Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Eagle Has Landed on Hole no.13 at BGR

Beb, I've been to genting highland, recently. The last I time I went up there was like 20 years I was like jakun that night at genting.....picking up wife after completed her course. I just drive my car up to genting highland, at some point my daughter asked me, " Ayah, ayah tau ke jalan nak ke hotel mama?" I just told her i don't know but I'll make sure we will rich there.....hehehehehe

My friend made an eagle two par-4 at BGR last Thursday. Good, since we won the hole with the eagle. He made a full swing with his wedges, the ball landed on the green, backspin and boom!! in the hole!! Man, last time I saw it was on the Golf Channel.

I have an assignment to be completed by.......

1 comment:

Budu said...

alo bro....

hehehe....kira itu best experince la eh dpt tgk dpn mata, sayang lak aku xdpt tgk sibuk cari bola huhu...anyway sejak tgk blog ko aku pun cam syok je nk wat blog gak hehehe and nnt jgn lupa lak nk arange nxt time mana tau dpt tgk aku lak awt 'albatrus' hehe.
