Monday, April 06, 2009

Macheda tu siapa? Tidak Mengapa, Gaya Sang Juara.

To all Kops wankers,

If you wanna see how champion will react under severe condition, watch last nite game, The Great Man United v Aston Ville yang karam. who says we need star to win the game? Kalau Liverpool takde 1st eleven, sure koyaknye.....

But moral of the story, thats why god choose us, the devils as the champion, because we don't drink and play football.

1 comment:

Jorji said...

sapa macheda?

belum pernah debutant player macam tu yg espn sampai keluarkan game MU reserve lawan reserve newcastle, tunjuk dia buat hattrick!

Pak Alex memang caya!