Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ngarut teddy bear

part ganas
What the f**k with this 'what women want' reality tv shows? How the hell this type of show ade kat tv malaysia? Buat malu kaum lelaki je, nampak sangat nak show-off....oi! what type of woman u want la? for me, they are the depserate type, require tv show to promote 'emselves, faggot!

part jiwang
Well, my sweet baby arrange a small birthday party for me....kekekeke...nasib baik tak kena marah....tapi aku pun susah gak nak marah buah hati aku ni, maklumla, sayang. Adaka dia kata dia stranded, aku pun cemasla, abih driver along the hiway tu kena sumpah seranah aku.....awakakaka, sampai2 rupenye ade birthday party aku, puhhh!! lega aku....
Thanks sayang....

Bila nak main golf daaa.....4 Mac ok ke arr?

Selangor kalah lagi, Man Utd terus lead the pack of hungry wolf...

Guitar tak jadi beli, not my priority at the moment..
Driver baru pun payah kot...beg mungkin dapat beli.

Life goes on.....the wedding bell's ringing, I can hear it from here....omak!!den nak kahwin!!!

1 comment:

Rosnani Ramli said...

cam kenal je......ahah.....tul le tu teddy bear tu.......HI!!!!